Advent 2022

Advent is a time of increased prayer, fasting, and good works.  It is a great opportunity to teach your children more about their faith and what Christmas is all about.  Advent is a time of waiting for the Second Coming of Jesus.  Christmastime does not begin until sundown on December 24th and lasts for the 12 days of Christmas, ending January 6th.  This guide gives you ideas to create a fun time for your kids during the holidays.  While there are not crafts every day, there are opportunities to pray or give to others.  We will update as advent continues.

This advent we are praying daily for the babies that were never baptized and have died before they were born or passed after they were born.  While praying every day, the girls will each sew squares for a quilt they are making for their grandmothers.


We begin crafts several days before the actual date.  For example, we started the St. Nicholas box on November 14th so the girls could give their money on December 6th, St. Nicholas’ Feast Day.

11/14:  St. Nicholas boxes – Girls will make a box to put coins in each day. They will earn the coins as they complete schoolwork, do chores, or are helpful.  The point is that they are trying to earn money to give to other kids so that they will have a good Christmas.

November 27:  First Sunday of Advent

-Read the Gospel together as a family.  Pray a rosary together.

-We will start praying for the unbaptized babies (one decade a day) and sewing the quilt for the grandmothers.


The girls use decade bracelets to pray for the babies.

November 28:  First Monday of Advent

-Say a prayer for the conversion of sinners

-Learn about St. Catherine Laboure’

November 29:  First Tuesday of Advent

-Spend the day in joy at the thought of the renewal of Christmas

-Butterfly craft


Butterfly Craft

To make this craft we used colored paper or tissue paper, two google eyes per butterfly, pipe cleaners, close pins and hot glue.

Just like the butterfly, we go through stages in life. I explained to the girls that we may find ourselves in comparable stages all throughout our lives. We do know that God wants us to become saints, with that in mind, we made our butterflies with clothes pins so that when we come across something that our “hungry little caterpillar” selves need to strengthen us to emerge as “butterfly” saints, we can write it down on a little paper and pin it with our Butterflies!

November 30:  First Wednesday of Advent

-Pray for those that do not believe and do not pray

December 1:  First Thursday of Advent

-Discuss examination of conscious and prepare to make a good confession before Christmas.  Think of the worst of your sins and have contrition over them.

December 2:  First Friday of Advent

-Pray for those facing judgement for their aborted babies.

December 3:  First Saturday of Advent

-Read about St. Francis Xavier

-Pray for those that have wronged you

December 4:  Second Sunday of Advent

-Read about the virtues and discuss them.  Resolve to practice a virtue to make it part of your character.

-Read the Gospel together before Mass

December 5:  Second Monday of Advent

-Recite the acts of faith, hope, and charity

-Begin the “Our Lady of Guadalupe” project

December 6:  Second Tuesday of Advent

-St. Nicholas Day – read about St. Nicholas

-Donate the money collected over the last couple of weeks to a charity of your choice

-Pray as a family for those struggling mentally or financially during the holidays

December 7:  Second Wednesday of Advent

-Research miracles of the Catholic Church (Eucharistic, saint, etc…) and share one with each other.

December 8:  Second Thursday of Advent

-During a time of prayer, acknowledge our weaknesses and ask God to heal us.

December 9:  Second Friday of Advent

-Read about St. Juan Diego

-Pray for those struggling medically through the holidays

December 10:  Second Saturday of Advent

-Read an examination of conscience and prepare for a good confession before Christmas

December 11:  Third Sunday of Advent

-Gaudete Sunday:  read the Gospel today

-After receiving Communion, say a special prayer

December 12:  Third Monday of Advent

-Have a balanced schedule with work and family life by spending the evening playing a game or other activity as a family

- Finish the “Our Lady of Guadalupe” project.  Create a table blessing to “Our Lady”

December 13:  Third Tuesday of Advent

-Read about St. Lucy

-Gather up old glasses and find a donation center (we have one at a local church)

December 14:  Third Wednesday of Advent

-Ember Day:  a day of fasting and prayer

-Pray for our priests

December 15:  Third Thursday of Advent

-Start to recite the “O Antiphon” for the rest of Advent

December 16:  Third Friday of Advent

-Ember Days:  a day of fasting and prayer

-Make cards, ornaments, Christmas treats for a nursing home

December 17:  Third Saturday of Advent

-Visit the nursing home and pray for the residents, especially those that have no family

December 18:  Fourth Sunday of Advent

-Offer Mass for our intentions of Advent


December 19:  Fourth Monday of Advent

-Read about “the Visitation” and recreate it for the family using puppets, a drawing, or acting

December 20:  Fourth Monday of Advent

-Make nativity scenes on canvas

-Recognize our faults that keep us out of a state of grace and fight against them

December 21:  Fourth Tuesday of Advent

-Learn about St. Peter Canlsius

-Pray for conversion of sinners

-Movie and crafting day

December 22:  Fourth Wednesday of Advent

-Make a spiritual communion

December 23:  Fourth Thursday of Advent

Recite the Salve Regina and act of contrition

December 24:  Fourth Friday of Advent:  Christmas Eve

-Read the Gospel for Midnight Mass


Christmas Mass: Offer communion for the conversion of sinners




Craft: St. Catherine of Siena Set the World on Fire


Our Story