Holy Week with Crafts

Holy Week is a busy week for us. We forgo the major subjects in homeschool and concentrate on the Passion of Christ. We attend Mass almost every day of the week and focus all of our attention on the events of Holy Week. This way, Easter is that much more rewarding for us. We end the week with a large celebration of Christ is Risen.

Palm Sunday – Palm Sunday Mass  -  Read the Gospel and the lesson from The Benedictus together as a family.

Make Palm Leaves (green construction paper). We traced their hands and had them pick a stick out of the backyard. They cut their hands out and glued them to the stick to make a palm.

Holy Monday

Read Holy Monday Gospel and lesson from The Benedictus.

Crafts: Make a Holy Week Wheel using two paper plates and a brad. Divide one plate into 6 parts (like a pie) and label them Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday. The kids can draw a picture for each day.

Snack: Make pretzels

Holy Week Wheel

Holy Tuesday

Read the Gospel and lesson for Holy Tuesday.

Craft: Paint a picture of what this week means to you.

Cooking: homemade applesauce

Holy Wednesday (or Spy Wednesday)

Read the Gospel and lesson for the day

Cooking: Sweet Potato Resurrection Rolls

Craft: Stations of the Cross (Materials needed: Popsicle sticks, purple votives, little dishes; purple material)

The materials to make the stations of the cross.

Holy Thursday

Read the Gospel and lesson for the day.

Cooking: Crown of Thorns bread for dinner with family

Craft: Washing of the Feet

Washing of the feet craft.

Good Friday

Good Friday is a day of penance for us. We spend the day in prayer and go to Stations of the Cross at church and Mass in the evening. We read the Gospel and lesson for the day and pray an extra rosary.

We do a “Letting Go” craft in which every member of the family writes something on a piece of paper that is bothering them that they need to “let go.” We then burn the paper and have a ten minute meditation period in which we pray to God for the good things in our lives.

We end the evening watching “The Passion” as a family.

Holy Saturday

Read the Gospel and lesson together.

We make an Easter basket to be blessed that evening at Mass. We attend the evening Mass.


Lenten Recipes


The Ceremonies at Mass and Their Meaning