The Ceremonies at Mass and Their Meaning

In our house it happens every Sunday morning. We wake up bright and early to make the 8 a.m. Mass. I lay everything out the night before; our tithing envelopes with the check inside, my Mass bag, the kids’ Mass bags, and our missals. I struggle getting my toddler to wear his tiny suit, as he prefers wearing short sleeved t-shirts everywhere and then I must get the teenagers that stayed up way too late moving. Although I know my teenagers stay up a little too late on Saturday evening, there are no complaints about waking up at 6:15 on a Sunday morning to go to Mass. We are blessed to have a TLM just a short 15 minutes from our house. We have church members that travel 1-2 hours both ways to attend our parish.

We teach our children to use their missals and to follow our priest as he says Mass. A helpful tool is a card that shows the ceremonies at Mass and their meaning. It explains how each act the priest does is deliberate and shows the connection to Jesus from the beginning of his Passion, going to Mount Olivet, to sending the apostles to all parts of the world.

If you would like to make your own “Ceremonies at Mass” card, please email us at!


Holy Week with Crafts

